Management Team Development
To create strong and efficient management teams who are committed to a common goal is desirable for any organization. The cooperation in a management team can at times be complicated and even conflictual at times.
To gain a clear shared vision of a desired future, goals, focus areas, success criteria and resources is crucial to any organization.
It often characterizes leaders to be ambitious, action orientated and resourceful. To be able to gather and direct these resources in a management team will be fuel for creating results in an organization. An efficient management team will work more efficient if it is capable of focusing on:
- Holistic objectives and results for the organization
- The full potential of the team
- Agreements and disagreements in the organization
- Capitalizing on differences in the management team
To facilitate the development of management teams generates according to Anne-Marie Herrguth Hoffmann’s experience:
- Strong results
- Success in implementation of the strategy
- Optimization of individual performance
Innovation - Power of implementation
Organizational Psychologist, MSc in Psychology,
Specialist and supervisor in Organisational Psychology
Anne-Marie Herrguth Hoffmann
August Bournonvilles Passage 1, 1055 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Phone +45 22 14 79 17, email am@herrguthhoffmann.com
VAT no. DK31706238